COVID Response Update
After a review of contact tracing data and common practices across other providers/school districts in Bucks County, we are making changes to our COVID response. If cases within our services increase, we will communicate and adjust…
Let’s Work Together to Limit the Spread of Illness
The health and wellness of our clients and staff is our top priority. Your loved ones rely on us for their services and we are committed to providing them as safely as we can (while staying healthy ourselves). With that, we…
Guidance for Home and Community Services During Covid-19
Home and Community Service Guidance (effective 1/11/2021) The following guidance is intended for staff and families engaging in-home services. We expect all staff and families to follow these recommendations in attempts…
Guidance for Center and School Services During Covid-19
The following guidance is intended for staff and families engaging in Center-Based or School services. We expect all staff and families to follow these recommendations in attempts to mitigate the likelihood of contracting COVID-19…