Guidance for Center and School Services During Covid-19

The following guidance is intended for staff and families engaging in Center-Based or School services. We expect all staff and families to follow these recommendations in attempts to mitigate the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 while engaging in services.
If a family has any reservations about their child receiving services, please let your Teacher or Program Coordinator know. We will work with families to determine if additional/alternative telehealth services are appropriate and how to utilize such services and/or to provide a suggested schedule, list of activities, strategies for teaching, and guidance on managing problem behavior.
Exposure information will be shared with parents/guardians/staff as necessary while maintaining the required confidentiality.
Daily Screenings
Staff and participants will be screened daily upon arrival. Participants will receive temperature checks and will be asked questions based on developmental appropriateness. Knowing that many participants are unable to answer the below questions we ask families to engage in daily monitoring and proactive communication. If an individual would answer YES to any of the questions listed below Potential will cancel services and wait to resume based upon current CDC guidelines. If symptoms are shown during a session that was not initially reported upon the start of the session, you will be contacted for pick up and we will follow the same guidelines for resuming services.
All staff, participants, and families are asked to monitor themselves daily. They should communicate to Potential and stay home until further communication if any of the following are present:
- Do you have a fever equal to or higher than 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or respiratory symptoms such as new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, repeated shaking with chills, body aches, muscle pain, headache, or new loss of taste or smell, headache, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, and runny nose?
- In the past 14 days, have you had potential exposure to a person with COVID-19? A potential exposure means a household contact or having close contact within 6 feet of an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 for at least 10 minutes. The timeframe for having contact with an individual includes 48 hours before the individual became symptomatic.
- Have you tested positive for COVID-19, have a test pending for COVID-19, or been told by a medical provider that you may or do have COVID-19?
Drop off/Pick up
- Upon arrival, you will be screened at your car, please call 215-579-0670, hit * or 0 to let us know you are here.
- Screening staff may not arrive at your car until 5 minutes before the scheduled session start time.
- For students utilizing transportation services, the screening will occur when the bus arrives. Any child that does not pass screening will be brought into the school to a designated isolation room. The parent will be notified for pick up. Transportation will not take an individual who is sick home.
- If the staff is running late, we will ask you to wait in your car until their arrival. Please be prepared with activities as feasible to keep your child occupied while waiting.
- If the results of the screening process indicate a concern, we will cancel services and send you home. An administrator will review and you’ll be contacted about resuming services. If you have any concerns before leaving your home, contact scheduling, or the front desk. Staff is scheduled to arrive 15 minutes before your session. If they do not pass screening upon their arrival you will be alerted as soon as we are able.
- Please assist your child in getting in and out of the car after the screening is passed while maintaining social distance.
Center/School Response
- We are limiting and spacing workspaces per room for safe distancing throughout the day.
- Shared spaces have been reduced, but will be used based on a staggered schedule and limited participants. Spaces will be cleaned between each session. The disinfectant will be available in each room for regularly touched surfaces.
- Participants must have a change of clothes available. This should be labeled and provided in a gallon zip lock bag.
- If food is necessary, it will be served at the children’s desk until social distance regulations are lifted; therefore, food should come ‘ready to eat’ to eliminate the use of the kitchen or need for staff to prepare.
- Toys that cannot be cleaned and sanitized will not be used. Toys will not be shared among participants. They will be kept within individual participant rooms until sanitized.
- We have separate bins to ensure materials are removed from the room and sanitized at the end of each session for the next day.
- Staff must utilize face masks throughout the day. They also will utilize other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as appropriate and available to the individual they are working with.
- All those who engage in services are asked to wear masks if able and appropriate while at our location. Homemade masks are acceptable, based on CDC guidance. Please let us know if you have difficulty accessing a mask.
Expectations for staff and family to reduce the spread:
- We have posted hand-washing and proper social distancing reminders throughout the office to assist and encourage expected behavior.
- After assisting children with hand-washing, adults will also wash their hands.
- Tissues and no-touch receptacles are located in high traffic areas, as well as hand sanitizers at all work stations.
- Staff and participants will limit interaction/public gatherings based upon current social distancing guidelines according to CDC/local orders when not engaging in services.
- The center’s facilities are being cleaned 5 days/ week.
- An air purification system has been installed that has been proven to remove germs and contaminants from the air throughout the day.
Scheduling limitations:
- We have assigned and will utilize the minimum amount of staff necessary per case to provide services. This also includes having one staff member assigned the full day of service to reduce the number of individuals the participant comes in contact with.
- To ensure the consistency of your services we are utilizing staff who may be able to fill in for other staff that is unable to work. To ensure participants, their parents or guardians are comfortable with this we alert you of staff filling in and allow you to cancel services that day if you prefer.
Please feel free to contact us at 215-579-0670 x109 with any additional questions or concerns.