COVID Response Update

After a review of contact tracing data and common practices across other providers/school districts in Bucks County, we are making changes to our COVID response. If cases within our services increase, we will communicate and adjust this updated response as needed.
As of 7/15/2022,
- We will no longer require any staff or clients to quarantine if exposed to COVID. Individuals must stay out when sick or unwell and should continue to self-screen daily. Individuals exposed to COVID should wear a well-fitting mask to protect others for ten days from the date of exposure.
- A review of our data shows that quarantine practice when not continually exposed to a positive individual has not led to the reduction of individuals contracting COVID.
- Individuals who are unable to mask will be able to attend services without a quarantine period
- We believe that learning to mask is an important skill and still encourage all individuals within their ability to learn to wear a mask.
- Update to general mask protocol: Masks are now optional for all staff and Individuals, including those in our Adult Services Program.
Please continue to alert Potential and The Springtime School of any positive COVID test so that it may alert staff/families through contact tracing. This allows us to inform individuals to wear masks, and track sickness within our services.
Feel free to visit to view our full health and safety response.