Large donations to nonprofit organizations and volunteers help lead effective change nationwide. Especially because donations that help lead to expansion also aid in making assistance more accessible for those who need it.

Yet children from Georgia to California often wait months — and in many cases more than a year — to get a diagnosis and then receive specialized [ABA] treatment services…Children from minority communities and those who live in rural areas may face additional barriers to getting help.”

Kaiser Health News

At first, fully utilized nonprofits evoke amazing change and progress being made, however, there’s a catch.

Want to make ABA services more widely available for children with autism? Join our mission.

3 Ways Donor Gifts & Volunteering For Nonprofit Organizations Create Lasting Change

About a quarter of people in the U.S. donate money and time each year to build a better world moving forward. However, many of these contributors have yet to learn how much their impact truly means to those behind the scenes.

Donors equip nonprofit organizations like Potential, driving autism acceptance in the following 3 ways:

  1. They scale necessary programs and ABA services.
  2. Infrastructure and technology are improved.
  3. A lasting legacy can be left through donation and volunteering.

1. Scaling Necessary Programs & ABA Services For Earlier Application

“Close to two-thirds of students who receive special education services nationwide spend more than 80% of their school time in general education classes.”

Education Week

What’s the problem with this percentage?

Children with ASD need a tailored educational experience to help them meet their fullest potential. Currently, ABA schools have limited availability and capacity with an ever-increasing demand for quality educational services. Public school budget cuts, higher operational costs, and labor shortages for well-trained staff all slow the momentum for children with ASD and their families.

In many cases, larger monetary donations can end up helping nonprofit organizations expand their facilities and services for the people who need them most.

2. Infrastructure & Technology Upgrades

“On average, non-profit organizations can expect to spend roughly 2-4% of their annual revenue on technology.”

Network Outsource

Large donations give nonprofits tools to tackle some of their most challenging and costly issues like implementing new and necessary technologies. You may not even realize how much technology is used when working with ASD students. Operations for ABA schools may include:

  • Smart communication boards
  • Speech devices
  • Noise-cancelling headphones
  • Adjustable desks
  • Visual aids
  • Adaptive writing tools
  • Tablets

Double the Donation is the largest provider of matching gift tools for nonprofits and educational institutions working with 78% of the largest nonprofits in the United States.[1] 

3. A Breakdown Of Philanthropy & Volunteering Benefits In Dollars

Significant donor gifts can come from anywhere. The average nonprofit donor in the U.S. is 64 years old. Also, 57% of donors are enrolled in a recurring giving program with an average monthly gift of about $25. Furthermore, one volunteer hour is estimated to produce a worth of $29.95 in organizational benefits.

It isn’t unusual for older citizens with financial stability to give back to start thinking about:

  • Leaving a legacy with a positive impact
  • Increasing acceptance of social issues
  • A personal connection to causes
  • A sense of purpose
  • Tax benefits

Even when given in smaller amounts, regular donations can add up quickly – and every cent counts!

Help Us End The Wait List For ABA Services Through Philanthropy & Volunteering In PA

1 in 4 individuals participated in philanthropy and volunteering in Pennsylvania last year. The volunteer rate in Pennsylvania reached its peak in 2017 at 34.2% but has since declined – especially after 2021.

Throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania, children and adults with autism are stuck on waiting lists due to the overwhelming demand for high-quality autism services surpassing all available resources. This is a challenge we are determined to address directly and proactively because every child with autism deserves a learning experience tailored to their needs.

Potential’s Springtime School is a nonprofit educational institution with IBHS-ABA services that assist in transforming students’ lives for long-term success. Ready to make a lasting impact?

Help make ABA services more accessible for children and adults with autism.

This is more of a fun fact

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